6 Quotes & Sayings By Vicki Robin

Vicki Robin is a recognized expert in personal finance. She has been a contributing editor at Money magazine and a contributing writer for The Wall Street Journal. Her writing has also appeared in many other publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times. She is a popular author of personal finance books, including Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Your Life, co-authored with Joe Dominguez. Vicki Robin is also an award-winning playwright.

If you live for having it all, what you have is never enough. Vicki Robin
We no longer live life. We consume it. Vicki Robin
Americans used to be 'citizens.' Now we are 'consumers. Vicki Robin
It is easier to tell our therapist about our sex life than it is to tell our accountant about our finances. Vicki Robin
The dreams we had of finding meaning and fulfillment through our jobs have faded into the reality of professional politics, burnout, boredom and intense competition. Vicki Robin